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4 Reviews
  • Laya Gasa Trek
  • Duration: 18 Nights / 19 Days
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Itinerary Details

Day | Destination | Activity
Day 1 | Destination: Arrive Paro. | Activity: The flight to Paro crosses the Himalayan Mountains, On arrival you will be greeted by our representative and transfer to your hotel. Afternoon will visit to the Paro Dzong (fortress). Afterward you will visit Kichu Lhakhang, one of the oldest and the most sacred shrine in the country. Overnight Hotel In Paro.
Day 2 | Destination: Paro Hike to Takshang (Tiger nest). | Activity: After breakfast, Hike to Taktsang commonly known as“the “tiger’s nest” perched precariously on the cliff 900m above the floor of the Paro valley. Lunch would be served in the Cafeteria. Return to Paro in the evening. Overnight at the hotel in Paro.
Day 3 | Destination: Paro - Shana (Trek starts). | Activity: Trek begins: Drive up to Drukgyal Dzong where the road ends and start the trek by following the river. You will find plenty of traditional farmhouses in a purely rural setting. The campsite is just beyond an army outpost. Alt. 2800m, Dis- tance - 17 km and time 5-6 hours.
Day 4 | Destination: Shana - Soe Thangthangkha. | Activity: Continue uphill through the river valleyThe trail then winds up and down along the drainage. Most of the trail actually is downhill after the initial climb. The campsite is located in a meadow with stone shelter. Alt. Approx. 3400m, distance 15 km, time 4-5 hours.
Day 5 | Destination: Thangthangkha - Jangothang. | Activity: Walk up along the Pachu (Paro river), pass a small You can now clearly view the high ridges and the snow-capped mountains all around and also see the yaks and the yak herder’s winter homes. Camp beneath a ruined fortress at the base of the Jumolhari Mountain. Alt. 4040m. , Distance 19 km and time 5-6 hours.
Day 6 | Destination: Jangothang - Lingshi | Activity: We will continue toward the pass through a wide pastureland. Depending on the season you are there, you might find some yak herders in their camping tents along the way. As you come down after the pass to the Lingshi basin, you will see some beautiful views of the Lingshi Dzong, valley, Tserim Kang (mountain) and its descending glaciers at the north end of the valley. Camp in a stone shelter with a built-in fire pit or in the tent. Alt. 4150m. Distance 19 km. Time 5-6 hours.
Day 7 | Destination: Lingshi - Chebisa. | Activity: Today is the shortest walking day and you can really take it easy. On reaching the campsite at Chebisa, you can visit the village houses if you feel up to it. Alt. 3850m. Distance 12 km. Time 3-4 hours.
Day 8 | Destination: Chebisa - Shomuthang. | Activity: You walk through a wide pastureland towards Gobu-la (pass). On the way, you will see few people herding the yaks. After crossing the Gobu -la (Alt. 4350m) descend down to the valley. The campsite is on a bench above a river, which is a tributary of the Nochu river. Alt. 4260. Distance 17 km. Time 5-6 hours.
Day 9 | Destination: Shomuthang - Robluthang. | Activity: Tt is advisable to start little early. After crossing the Jerela (pass) alt. 4600m you come down to Tsharijathang valley where you can normally see herds of Takins. Camp at Tsharijathang. Alt.4390m. Distance 15 km. Time 6-7 hours.
Day 10 | Destination: Robluthang - Lingmithang. | Activity: After crossing the Shingela pass, alt. 4900m, you come down and follow the valley. Lingmithang is under the Laya Dis- trict and you will see people dressed in typical Laya costume with long pointed bamboo hats on their head. Camp at Lingmithang. Alt. 4140m. Distance 19 km. Time 6-7 hours. If you have time, it would be advisable to spend a day here exploring the valley and meeting the people who have a different and unique culture.
Day 11 | Destination: Lingmithang - Laya. | Activity: Today, we will walk all downhill along a narrow winding river valley. The trail leads you to the west side of Laya village. Campsite is on a high flat bench above the Laya village. Alt. 3850m. Distance 10 km. Time 3-4 hours.
Day 12 | Destination: Laya Rest day. | Activity: Rest and explore the Laya village.and see some stunning views and take some photo for Memories.
Day 13 | Destination: Laya - Koena. | Activity: The trail winds up and down along the river valley avoiding natural obstacles and affording breath-taking views of the crashing river, feeder streams and waterfalls. Camp. Alt. 3800m. Distance 19 km. Time 6-7 hours.
Day 14 | Destination: Koena - Gasa. | Activity: You cross the Babela pass, Alt.3740m, after that we move all the way down till you reach the campsite which is close to Gasa Dzong. Alt. 2900m. Distance 17 km. Time 6-7 hours.
Day 15 | Destination: Gasa - Gasa Tsachu (Hot Spring). | Activity: After breakfast trek to Gasa Tsachu. After lunch relax in the hot spring. The Gasa Tsachu is one of the most popular hot springs in Bhutan. Camp at Gasa Tsachu
Day 16 | Destination: Gasa Tsachu - Tashithang - Punakha (Trek ends). | Activity: After a short climb, the trail winds through the rolling hills and passes through the pine and oak forests, villages and wheat fields. You will also see a beautiful view of the Gasa Dzong glued to the valley wall seeming to float in space. Arrive Damji. Distance 18 km, 5-6 hours. You will be received by our reprehensive and transfer to Punakha hotel. Overnight at the hotel in Punakha.
Day 17 | Destination: Punakha - Thimphu. | Activity: After breakfast process to visit Drochula for stunning views and Visit the Druk Wangyal Monastery, Continue drive to Thimphu and check into your hotel on arrival. At night if guest are interested we will make enjoyable memories at pubs. Overnight at the hotel In Thimphu.
Day 18 | Destination: Sightseeing in Thimphu. | Activity: After breakfast Buddha point ,Visit Memorial Chorten ,built in memory of the third king who reigned the Kingdom from 1952-1972. Visit the National Library where ancient manuscripts are preserved. Visit the Wood Craft and Painting school where traditional arts and crafts are still kept alive. Visit the Handicrafts Emporium where Bhutanese textiles and other arts and crafts are displayed and can be purchased. Visit Simtokha Dzong. This is one of the oldest fortresses in Bhutan. It was built in 1629 AD. Visit Tashichho Dzong, the main secretariat building. Overnight at the hotel in Thimphu.
Day 19 | Destination: Paro Airport | Activity: Drive to Paro Airport for your depature.

Tour Package Includes

Tour Package Includes

Hotel above 3 Stars (including registered farm house)

Pick up and Drop

All local sightseeing as per itinerary

Professional Language Guide

Refreshment during sightseeing

Meal as per your plan

Trekking and hiking equipments (if it is trekking packages)

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