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Punakha Dzong


Brief History

The Punakha Dzong also known as pungthang Dechen Phodrang Dzong (meaning “the palace of great happiness or bliss”.Punakha was the former capital of Bhutan and seat of government until 1955lk, when the capital was moved to Thimphu. It was about 72 kms and three hours drive from Thimphu. And now it is the administrative center of Punakha district. The Dzong is located at the confluence of the pho Chhu (male) and mo Chhu (female) rivers in the Punakha-Wangdi valley.

Chimi Lhakhang


Brief History

It is located on a ridge surrounded by beautiful paddy fields at Lobesa in Punakha district.It takes about 10 to 15-minute walk through Sobsukha village to reach the monastery from the road point. Chimi Lhakhang is associated with Lama Drukpa Kuenley, the Divine madman. This is the most popular fertility temple in the country and many childless couple comes to receive blessings. And there are several stories of such prayers being answered.

Khamsum Yulley Namgyel Chorten


Brief History

It is located on a ridge at Kabisa Gewog in Punakha overlooking several villages. It is a seven kilometers drive from Punakha town. It was built by the Queen mother, Her Majesty Ashi Tshering Yangdon Wangchuck. This temple is a splendid example of the Bhutanese architecture and art. It took nine years to build, and Holy Scriptures rather than engineering manuals were consulted to construct this 4-storey temple. It is a fine example of Bhutanese architecture and artistic traditions. This temple has been dedicated for the well being of the kingdom, its people and all sentient beings. It is a 15-20 mins hike from the suspension bridge.

Punakha Suspension bridge


Brief History

Located in Punakha built over the pho Chhu River above Punakha Dzong on the right –side of the motor able road, down a dirt road, is the Punakha suspension bridge which connects the settlement across a fast flowing river. The house across the river is of traditional Bhutanese architecture and is located in the lap of the nature with a mountain as back drop .Everyone makes it a point to visit this bridge while in Punakha.

Sangchen Nunnery


Brief History

Sangchchen Dorji Lhuendrup nunnery is a large temple complex which is located on a ridge beside the neighboring Punakha and Wangdue Phodrang amidst pine trees. Above Wolakha on the way to Drolay Goemba is this thriving nunnery, which was financed by the fourth king's father-in-law to serve as a Buddhist college for 120 resident anim (nuns). The attached ridgetop Nepali-style chorten is visible from as far away as the Dochu La to Metshina road.

Rafting Services


Brief History

The most of the rivers in Bhutan are very steep and highly rushing with limited road access makes it considerably unsuitable for white water rafting. Only a few rivers are opened for rafting considering their safe course and easy access. The Pho Chu, with its approx 16 km course with about 15 rapids of class 2-4 is the most popular for rafting in Bhutan followed by Mo Chu river with 10 Km course comprising around 10 rapids with 2 - 2+ rapids.

Talo Sangngak Choling


Brief History

It is located above Punakha Valley is a serene Buddhist Monastery called Talo Sangngak Choling or Talo Monastery. Talo Monastery is an essential Drukpa Kagyu monastery of Punakha. The source of the Drukpa Lineage stems from the Primordial Buddha Vajradhara, the All-Pervading Lord of the Hundred Buddha Families. Located at a distance of 16km from Khuruthang town, a small township close by Punakha Dzong, Talo Monastery was founded by Chogtrul Jigme Singye (the 4th reincarnation of Gyalse Tenzin Ragbye). The decades old Talo Monastery offers an astounding vista of lush alpine valley with a backdrop view of daunting Bhutan hills.

Bhutan is the last Himalayan kingdom, shrouded in amazing snow Peak Mountains and shadowy forests that create picturesque landscape. But that’s not all; the unique and best thing about Bhutan is that it is the only country that is 72% covered in forests making it not only carbon-neutral but the world’s only carbon negative country. Apart from this, Bhutan is a place where traditional Buddhist culture meets majestic fortress like dzongs and monasteries, it is undoubtedly a magical and mystical place to be. Its unique monastic architecture and the graffiti on the walls that bear paintings of penises as a sign to drive away the evil make Bhutan a sui generis destination. Reputed to be the last Shangri La, this one of its kind country is certainly the best place to visit for family vacation, honeymoon tours and even for adventure holidays. And to be a part of this enthralling place you can have your own share of Bhutan experience through this guided list of the top tourist attractions that you must see and do.